Arundhati grew her hair for four years, before donating them to Friends of Cancer Patients. Image Credit: Arundhati Bandyopadhyay


For girls and women, our hair is an essential part of looking good. Ever since I was young, I fancied myself as the long-haired Rapunzel, letting down her hair for her Prince Charming.

As I grew older and became more aware of the world around me, I slowly realised that having those long locks is God’s gift. This is more so as there are so many who lose their hair due to illnesses. Cancer patients are one of the biggest victims of this phenomenon, as they lose their hair due to the chemotherapy treatment of the disease.

This realisation came as I was thinking about what I wanted to do in life. I zeroed in on the medical profession, as there can be nothing more noble than developing the ability to heal the sick. So, it was four years ago, as I reached this decision, simultaneously, I also decided that I would grow my hair so that I could donate it to cancer patients.

This year, as I graduated from high school, I realised my dream of becoming a medical student. As I step into this new phase of my life, it was a great pleasure to walk into the offices of the Friends of Cancer Patients (FoCP) in Sharjah and hand over my locks. I was thrilled when I learnt that my hair would mostly be used to make wigs for children suffering from this deadly disease.

I realise, of course, that this action of mine is probably just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean still is made of drops. It takes just a thought to help others. A step by us would go a long way in letting cancer patients know that they are not alone in their fight.

— The reader is a student based in Sharjah.

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