Dreaming, believing and doing

In 2010 when I was 11 years old, I heard about a young 23-year-old African girl called, Lu, who came to attend a Diabetes Conference in Dubai, to share her own experiences. She suffered from Type 1 diabetes. Her charming smile touched one and all but two days after returning from this conference, she passed away. A mild illness got complicated due to her health condition. She hoped to collect old or used closed and shoes to benefit poor children in Africa. So in her memory, I took a pledge and collected at least 1,000 pairs of shoes. I researched and made presentations to share and educate the school community and everyone whom I possibly could reach out to. Surprisingly, in less than a month I succeeded in collecting over 3,000 pairs of old shoes for diabetic patients in Africa, that were distributed through various US aided health centres to needy children and patients, in various parts of Kenya and Uganda. I got unconditional support from my school, community, press and media who shared my story and gave a big boost to my ambitions. I went to carry the esteemed Olympic Torch at the London Olympic Games 2012 and was one of six people from UAE chosen to go. This paved a way for a youth group that I lead today called ‘SynergY’, inspiring and connecting scores of children together to do environment, and social work and support those in need.

From Ms Simran Vedvyas


A good initiative

World Diabetes Day is a day to raise global awareness for the disease. The preventive methods are highlighted by various media organisations, sports events and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s). The World Health Organisation with the International Diabetes Federation(IDF) initiated the Concept on November 14, to raise awareness for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes can be curable when controlled by medicines. Periodic tests taken once in three months can determine the stage of the disease and how to control it. Diet control, walking, and being active are the main tools to control diabetes. Most young children have less exercise and are obese, which are the main attributing factors. I thank the IDF and the WHO for their initiative.

From Mr K Ragavan


More awareness through this

The worldwide awareness campaign focusing on diabetes shows concern for the escalating disease. It deliberately accelerates globally to take a step forward to create in grown-ups an awareness and educate everyone to be concerned about one’s own health. It helps to reach the extended medical care to the nook and corner of the world, where people are not aware about their own health. A majority ignore the symptoms as mere tiredness. Such a campaign may help at least a particular majority, to wake up and realise that they have to take care of their own health to be able to care of their dear ones.

From Ms Annie Rathi Samuel


Hazardous air

With the recent state of pollution in New Delhi and Northern India, the quality of air can only be described as hazardous (“New Delhi’s smog needs a long-term solution”, Gulf News, November 10). It is obvious that this is extremely harmful to health. In addition to this, the thick smog also caused an increase in the number of road accidents. One of the main reasons for the increase in air pollution is the burning of crops by farmers in neighbouring states. One would expect that by 2017 our country would have moved away from these primitive farming methods and found better and more sustainable farming practices. This should be a major priority for the Indian government.

From Ms Lehar Chellani


No room for assault

The matter of sexual abuse is a sensitive one, even more so when it involves people of prominence (“Hollywood stars avoid media glare following sexual abuse scandal”, Gulf News, November 7). It is important for celebrities to speak out and to show that they will not tolerate such injustice, and neither should anyone else. Having said that, approaching the topic on a red carpet event, where everyone’s every move is being watched, and the subject of assault is only given a fleeting question, probably isn’t the best idea. Given the seriousness of the issue, it should be discussed in a safe, less chaotic environment. After all, celebrities are human.

From Ms Rohini Gopalkrishnan


Not unhygienic

If you try to dry your laundry inside your house, you get mould on the walls and not everybody has the space for a dryer (“Drying laundry in balconies is a cause for concern”, Gulf News, November 9). From an environmental point of view, it saves electricity and resources if we use Nature to dry our clothes. Why should that be unhygienic? Most people in the world do it this way, and it’s not considered to be unhygienic.

From Mr Thomas Janssen


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Dry them outside

Drying clothes outside is not unhygienic. In fact, drying them inside the house is far more likely to cause health problems. I find it highly unlikely that wet clothes are dripping from balconies onto people’s houses! Let the workers dry their clothes outside; they have enough to worry about without any added pressure.

From Ms Ruth Henson

Abu Dhabi

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