

While one of your greatest gifts is your ability to chat about almost anything, and with almost anybody, your ruler Mercury’s presence in the most reflective portion of your birthday chart accents what you don’t say more than what you do. This suggests that by allowing others to suggest ideas or, equally, to bring up issues when they’re ready will benefit you and them, equally. As important, when they do raise these, you’ll know they’re prepared to actually discuss them.

Aries March 20 – April 19

The problem isn’t what you committed to. The problem is that with so much changing so swiftly, what seemed straightforward plans seem to be changing, some every day. Yet you don’t want to disappoint others. Discuss this frankly. They, too, are experiencing changes and will be delighted to rethink plans.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

A period of intense transition, such as this is, can lead to unsettling changes, even in longstanding arrangements. Actually, these have needed a shakeup for ages. It’s just you’ve sidestepped discussing such matters for fear of the resulting disruption. Now, you’ve no choice. Amazingly, those changes will be a relief.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Initially you were annoyed by the combination of tricky situations and even more complex issues involving others, and not just because of the delays they’ve triggered. They mean going into detail, and in far greater depth than you’d intended. While annoying, what you learn will more than justify the feelings of irritation you’re facing.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

You’re feeling uneasy or, perhaps even unsettled about plans that only days ago seemed to be working well. This may be more about Tuesday’s emotionally intense Full Moon than the actual situation in question. Knowing that, raise and discuss your concerns, then back off and see what happens once the Full Moon’s past.

Leo July 22 – August 22

After a period as unsettling as it’s been informative, you’re giving serious thought to recent decisions. This especially applies to those in which you dismissed ideas or offers you regarded as unworkable. At the time, they were. But circumstances have changed and so have your objectives, enough you should reconsider those decisions.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

As much as you enjoy discussing recent developments with others, and comparing notes about progress, at the moment it’s unwise. With the swift pace and much of what’s happening being a departure from what you’d expected, you’re already anxious. Then, the reactions of others could heighten that. For now, keep things to yourself.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Looking back on the past few days, you’ve had no choice but to make and unmake decisions with astonishing frequency. This was necessary. In fact, each was amazingly informative and a necessary step to the next. While the pace of change may slow down a bit, expect more changes before anything is settled.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

There are few greater pleasures than getting things done, especially if you’ve been putting off the tasks in question for ages. However, you’re also urged to invest a little time in something even more important, which is doing nothing but enjoying life itself. This is easy to forget, yet brings immense joy.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Of the twelve signs, you’re probably best positioned to deal with the current rapid and often intense changes. In fact, the only problem you’ll face is your tendency to be stubborn about making your own decisions. If ever there was a time when it’s vital you work with, if not give in to others, it’s now.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Although the actual Full Moon is on Tuesday, it takes place in the most sensitive portion of your chart. Between that and the major but thrilling changes rocking your world, you could be in an uncharacteristically vulnerable mood. While this will pass, delve into these feelings. You’ll learn a lot from them.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

For ages you’ve put up with the increasingly tedious obsession of one particular individual with something they enjoy, and you don’t. Yet you’ve tried to be supportive and show interest. You’ve done your duty and can finally politely but firmly say that, from now on, you’re leaving them to it.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

While decisiveness can be viewed as a virtue, at the moment solid commitments could complicate matters. While you’ve wisely sidestepped such arrangements, certain individuals are determined to impose order on this rather chaotic period. Encourage them to be more flexible. They’ll question your wisdom now but will soon thank you.
