

When you first decided to keep certain facts to yourself, it was because they’d be a distraction from what others had to do or deal with. Besides, these matters are really nobody’s business but yours. Which was true at the time. However, things have changed far more than you believed possible, which means you really have no choice but to inform everybody concerned about these. Do it now. And forget about the backstory. There’ll be surprisingly little interest.

Aries March 20 – April 19

You’ve some big decisions to make about certain financial or business situations. While, clearly, it would be easier to deal with these on your own, life isn’t that simple. Not only are others involved, they’ll want to have a say, and they should. Don’t put this off. Begin talking things over now.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

If you can’t say a wholehearted yes to certain worryingly far out ideas or offers, at least don’t say no. These are so new or unfamiliar that the only way you’ll learn about them is by getting at least a little involved. Worrying as that first step seems, you’ll soon recognise where things are going.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

You’re open with those you care about, so assume they’re as upfront about their feelings and plans. While that true, it’s worth bearing in mind that their take on what’s important is bound to vary from yours. So when you discover they’ve left certain facts unspoken, don’t mistakenly assume they’ve been secretive.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

At the moment, the time and setting you select to discuss certain issues is as important as the actual matter in question. The problem is, the situation isn’t at all straightforward, which means everybody concerned, including you, could be influenced by the mood, possibly even more than hard facts or the ultimate objective.

Leo July 22 – August 22

As a Leo and a fire sign, you think careful about decisions, so are confident they’re sound. But now others are questioning them, and often. Obviously, this is driving you crazy. The solution?

Explain your vision in one single, lengthy, discussion, making it clear that should cover all future questions, as well.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Only another Virgo would understand why you find it so easy to spot situations where others are being economical with the truth, if not downright dishonest. The problem is, the individual in question still seems trustworthy, as least to certain individuals. For now, warn them. That’s really all you can do.

Libra September 23 – October 22

It’s rare that you’re so angry with somebody or one particular situation that you’re struck speechless. Actually, that’s probably for the best, since what you’d say now could easily confuse matters. For the moment, focus on gathering facts and forming a clearer perspective. Only after that should you even consider discussing anything.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

You’d always rather be kind to others than regret not having given somebody who needs a hand timely assistance. Yet you’re beginning to suspect that one particular individual isn’t struggling nearly as much as they’d like you to think. The solution? Ask a few direct, if not point blank, questions.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Between now and the end of May, you will finally be able to discuss and resolve a number of mysteries, some of what have raised questions about the trustworthiness of certain individuals. While, obviously, you’d rather not dwell on such matters, it’s vital. Ignore these issues and you risk paying a high price.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

It would appear that, over the next couple of days, you’ll be discussing issues you thought you’d never mention and, still less, talk over with anybody. And, even more bizarre, you’ll find the resulting exchange of ideas as freeing as it is rewarding. Better yet, this is only the beginning.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Those who hold a grudge have always puzzled you. While you’ve been exasperated with others, you’ll usually confront them and discuss the issue right away. And even when you can’t, you’ll manage to let it go. But now you, too, are so angry and upset you’re understanding why, on occasion, forgiveness seems impossible.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

The last thing you want to do is upset anybody. However, the attitude and actions of certain individuals are so worrying you feel you must say or do something. Raise this, but first with somebody who you regard as wise. Their words will clarify your perspective. After that, you’ll know what to do.