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From various career forums and our sources, we bring you these strict no-no’s if you want to land your dream job. Some of these may sound like things you’d never do, but the best of us can make mistakes, especially if we’re nervous.

Also, read our guide to five recruiter questions you can choose not to answer.

1. I hate my job

Yes, we understand the depth of hatred you have for your current job or company but this statement in even a subtle form will put your prospective employer on guard. Bad mouthing your former or current company is never good form.

2. My boss was the worst

Same as the above. Your boss may have been a bad human being and a worse leader or manager, but it is not in your good interests to bring that up. Your interviewer doesn’t know you enough to feel a 100 per cent certain, that the difficult person in the relationship was not you.

3. Salary please?

While you definitely can talk about your expectations, do this only after the interviewer has brought it up. Do not be the first one to bring up any money or benefit details, not until you have at least a verbal job offer.

4. Awesomeness is my weakness

We are all taught at some point of our job-hunting life to talk about our strengths as our weaknesses. This is a sure-shot way of making the interviewer lose interest in you. If being or wanting to be a perfectionist is definitely your weakness, word it such that it does not sound like you’re promoting yourself. It is okay to have a small weakness, we’re all human. Talk about it and make sure you follow up with how you are already dealing with it.

5. I don’t have much experience but…

This is one I am guilty of. All the resumes I sent out during a period had a summary that said this; before it struck me that I was selling myself short even before they could look at my skills. If you don’t have relevant experience, don’t bring it up in the interview, unless questioned specifically. You got an interview call because they believe you have something for the role and also saw your resume, focus on that something.

6. I am nervous

Interviewers may be kind and ask you if you’re nervous, especially if you are tapping your feet incessantly or wringing your hands. Being completely and desperately honest here is not the smart way to go. Be confident and say this aloud – “I feel great. I am just excited to be here”. Verbal affirmation can help you get confident and comfortable right then and there.

7. What is your annual leave policy?

This is strictly for the list of post job-offer questions. You don’t want to tell them that you can’t wait to be hired to go on a vacation.