Image Credit: Gulf News Archives

Bread forms a significant portion of my diet. How much should I be eating? what’s the healthiest type?

If you are culturally accustomed to eat bread as part of your diet you may have it once a day. Processed and refined breads are usually the troublemakers.
Unfermented flat bread and oven-baked ones are lighter to digest while the fermented breads are heavier. You may choose one based on your appetite. Remember to eat juicy vegetables along with the bread — that will make your digestion smoother. Additional fibre is always good with bread. We recommend whole multi-grain breads.

Combination of milk products, heavy protein, sugar and fried substance will make bread more heavier to digest. Indulge less in bread as it is a known cause for bloating and lethargy after meals.

As I spend a large amount of time indoors during the summer, would you recommend that I take a daily vitamin D supplement?
A good level of vitamin D needs to be maintained to facilitate bone health and absorption of other nutrients in the body. If you are in doubt of deficiency you need to have a screening. For borderline deficiency and at risk of deficiency, 5,000 IU per day is advised. We recommend you to talk to your physician before taking any supplements. Also, try your best to get as much sun as you can early morning.

www.thehealersclinic.com; 04 385 5677