
Julian Assange is the news... WikiLeaks has been making headlines recently because of its publication of Clinton’s emails. The site’s founder, Julian Assange, has been in self-imposed exile since 2012, when he requested asylum from Ecuador. Since then, he has been living inside Ecuador’s embassy in London. Recently, however, the Ecuadorian government has decided to partially cut off Assange’s internet access following the Clinton hacks, as he is seen as the ‘control center’. According to Ecuador, it did not want to “interfere in electoral processes” of the United States. Support and criticism of Assange flooded social media.


One million users are buzzing about Julian Assange on Facebook. While Assange still has his admirers, plenty of users expressed concern that WikiLeaks’ recent actions are motivated by its political agenda, rather than a push for openness. Some see WikiLeaks as ‘targeting’ Clinton, thereby allowing Trump to gain support.

Merri Tallgrave: “A foolish wannabe with an agenda. Looks like it backfired on him. I was a supporter until I realized his agenda was slanted. Neutrality? Think again. I don’t think he’s a criminal but I do think he is misguided and has an agenda that is all his own.”

Jennifer Whiddon: “I was going to donate [to WikiLeaks]. While we are certainly grateful for the truth and won’t forget the amazing work you’ve done, we don’t believe you believe in what you are doing or you wouldn’t have promised the truth about Clinton and then sold out.”

Griselda Arias Kelly Julian: “Assange, thank you for your work. You are risking your life to do what is correct and expose worldwide corruption, you have opened the eyes of the masses.”

Bobby Tyson: “While I thank you for many of the things you have brought out, you seem to be very selective in who or what you publish, as far as the US election goes. The first thing that comes to mind, is you’re getting funding from the other side, who are just as corrupt. (Just for the record, I’m voting Stein/Baraka, so I’d like all to be exposed)”

Johan Erik Kahlstrom: “Congrats Wikileaks, you are now the darling of the American Alt-Right, and Strongmen everywhere. There is only balanced reporting when you release information on both candidates in an election, including leaks on any strongman-nationalists.”

Carma Lewis: “If Trump is president you can thank [Assange] for taking Hillary down. You won’t have any room to complain. He is an ego maniac; he risks nothing and hides in the Ecuadorian embassy. Snowden is far smarter more humble and risked his entire career and life as he knew it.”


Tweeps were more supportive of the WikiLeaks founder, some stating that censorship of Assange only proves the impact of the hacks. Others showed support using the hashtag #FreeJulian.

@TimRunsHisMouth: “Nothing makes me believe #wikileaks more than the government cutting off Julian Assange’s internet… #PodestaEmails10”

@SilERabbit: “Hillary’s team admits that they and the state dept have the 55k emails. How many smoking guns do we need? #FreeJulian”

@LatestAnonNews: “Anonymous stands with @WikiLeaks and getting out the truth of a rigged system. Censorship is never acceptable. #FreeJulian”

@ScottPresler: “The American people deserve the truth. We want transparency, honesty & accountability. 3 things Hillary knows nothing about. #FreeJulian”

@danrolle: “I’ve spoken with 14 other @wikileaks task force members who have also experienced internet/phone outage. #FreeJulian”

@DerpFlannel: “By cutting off Julian’s internet, the state just confirmed the authenticity of the leaked emails. #FreeJulian”

@LeahRBoss: “Beware of a state that has grown so large it wants to control your independent thought by calling the truth ‘hostile’ #FreeJulian”

@lonotor: “#FreeJulian Cut out a man’s tongue and you don’t prove him a liar, only that you’re afraid of what he has to say.”

@TheFoundingSon: “Instead of refuting everything he published with solid evidence they just try to silence him. It in itself is telling a lot #FreeJulian”