The above poll is based on the page A4 report, ‘

Hundreds of passengers complete first-aid training course at airport’, published in the Nation section of Gulf News on September 15.

Do you know what to do if you see someone having a cardiac arrest or a seizure? If an accident happens in the workplace, in your home or in a public space, being a helpless witness to an emergency situation can potentially worsen the case. This is why it is very important for people to have a basic knowledge of first aid.

In yesterday’s poll, we asked Gulf News readers if they have undertaken first aid training. A majority 68 per cent of the respondents, voted no.

According Mariam Khamis Oufi, head of the community awareness section at the Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services (DCAS), there is a lack of awareness among the community on how to react to medical emergencies, whether major or minor. “Many passengers, for example, do not know what to do when they see someone having a cardiac arrest, heart attack, asthma attack or a seizure. For such emergencies, they need to stay with the patient and immediately contact 999.”