Habits are conditioned responses formed through repetition until the actions or reaction becomes second nature. They end up as unconscious behaviour, automatic reactions in a particular situation. Our actions each day are the result of habits – not decisions and the replacement of just one set of patterns can overhaul them all. So, what better opportunity than Ramadan to curb or get rid of these bad habits?

While it is a time to discipline the body, mind and soul, the exercise in self-restraint can also be extended to kick bad habits permanently. Bad habits are like a comfortable bed – easy to get into, but difficult to get out. The chain of bad habits is generally too light to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

The Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] referred to Ramadan as a time in which God has made fasting obligatory on those who are able. Whosoever denies himself of the benefits of that month denies himself many virtues. As they undertake the physical duty and spiritual responsibility of fasting, it reflects on the words of the Prophet [PBUH] who said that the practice of faith will not be correct unless actions are correct and actions will not be considered correct unless the heart is correct.

Decide that you really want to change and convince yourself that you can. All psychological models of change emphasise the importance of commitment as a necessary first step. If you don’t see a problem, you won’t work on changing your behaviour. The more honest you are with yourself about the nature of your bad habit, the more likely you will be to start on the path towards change.

Smokers benefit from fasting, being forced to abstain during the day. According to Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network, smoking one pack of cigarettes a day for one year adds two cups of tar to a smoker’s lungs. However, the body is able to eliminate the tar if one stops smoking. It goes to show that it’s no coincidence that World No Tobacco Day, which fell on May 31st, encourages a 24-hour period of abstinence from all forms of tobacco consumption.

Let’s introspect and make a commitment to get rid of smoking, which is a life threatening bad habit.

- The reader is chartered accountant, based in Dubai.