It is deeply worrisome that the prevalence of stroke in the under-45 age group in the UAE is on the rise. In the West, this debilitating condition usually affects people in the age group of 65-85. According to experts in the UAE, annually, about 7,000-8,000 people suffer from a stroke and these are not insignificant numbers. A big reason for this predicament in the UAE is the sedentary lifestyle many young people lead. In their minds, chasing careers and a sense of entitlement to a good life usually take precedence over preventive health habits.

Given the concern expressed by experts in the UAE, which marked the World Stroke Day on October 30, there is a need for more awareness drives on the dangers of stroke and how it can be brought on prematurely due to obesity, hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, smoking and contraceptive pills (in women). These lifestyle diseases can occur due to lack of exercise and poor dietary choices. Therefore, it is imperative that individuals keep themselves informed of the facts. It is an unalterable truth that prevention is better than cure because sometimes, it is too late for the latter.