Promoting science as a perpetuating state of mind in its human resource pool is an unmistakable sign of good governance and going by its amplifying success in nurturing young men and women with a scientific temperament, the UAE is on track. This year, 50 young Emirati scientists made their mark as winners in the seminal Think Science competition that incubates innovation. This initiative by Emirates Foundation, launched in 2012, is pivoted on the critical point of development — nurturing young minds to think of solutions to the country’s most pressing needs.

Scientific temperament is a priceless commodity. The more its scope, breadth and weight in a country, the more muscle it has to clear its path in the fierce jostle for power in the global market. This indigenous wealth helps a nation move from dependency to self-sufficiency and an abundance of this wealth even provides the advantage of becoming a mentor for others.

Encouraging Emirati youth in the age group of 15-35 to follow their passion for science and apply the knowledge to meet the future needs of UAE, is textbook goal-setting. Grooming high school and university students to be ambassadors and canvassers for science is a strategic developmental payload that will only strengthen UAE’s ability to produce its own solutions in science. These young Emirati science enthusiasts, driven by the spirit of enquiry and love for innovation, are exploring critical fields such as aviation, engineering, environmental sciences, smart systems, aerodynamics and other such building blocks for development. As a result, they will be the voices to lend authority to the narrative of UAE’s progress.

It’s a momentum that has begun and can only gather pace as each year, competitions like these will help the flame of scientific temper burn bright.