Donald Trump has always been a big character — a big bankroll, a big comb-over and a big ego. Now he has just proved that he is a bigot to boot.

The real-estate tycoon, hotelier and Republican candidate for the White House has been under intense fire for claiming that Mexicans were drug runners, criminals and rapists. It is not the first time his mouth has run ahead of his brain — and it is probably the surest reason why his blowhard buffoonery will be dismissed by all but the most right-wing of Republican supporters.

If there was a political club for his ilk, its membership would include other bigots such as former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and former Alabama governor George Wallace.

The world of beauty pageantry is hardly known for its political correctness, but even the beauty queens are turned off by the ugliness of his words. And in typical Trump fashion, Donald has brought lawsuit after lawsuit against television companies that are dropping his Miss Universe show over his comments. Just because you have money does not mean you have common sense.