Till not so long ago, knowledge on Alzheimer’s and its prevalence was a marginalised body of awareness in the UAE. It’s discussion in mainstream media was largely absent, more so because it was considered to be an affliction that primarily affected the western peoples. But as the common denominator of our modern lifestyle — lack of exercise, high stress levels and malnourishment due to consumption of processed foods — makes inroads across societies and cultures, the impact of these debilitating choices is showing up in rising statistics of lifestyle diseases, which are precursors to Alzheimer’s. The estimated number of people in the UAE suffering from Alzheimer’s is 4,300 with a projected 600 per cent increase by 2030 and the UAE is determined to tackle this problem by actively pursuing research on this condition. While genetics has a big role to play, we also know that our choice of lifestyle determines our health. Smoking, diabetes, vascular conditions and other health risks are just as effective in accelerating Alzheimer’s as genetic factors. The lesson therefore is that the healthier your lifestyle, the more the chances of you being a stranger to Alzheimer’s.