Proverb: hel-l mejabir maatuu w-la ‘eb-ber sheghel-hum

Literal meaning: Dead people are gone but their work has not been finished.

hel or ‘ahl means “people” and ‘eb-ber is an old Emirati word meaning “finished”.

Gist: The proverb indicates that though many people passed away, but their work is still being completed. The idea behind the proverb is that work never ends by the time someone dies and that people should always strive hard and try to perfect their job [as long as they live].

Proverb: naasib jaash’eh yeba chen’edeh

Literal meaning: Setting up a trap (with a little dried fish) aiming for the king fish.

‘il-jaash’eh is a small dried fish and ‘il-chen’ed is a type of fish found in UAE waters.

Gist: This proverb describes a cunning person who plays tricks on others in order to take over their money. He sets up a trap for others, using cunning means and by convincing them that there is a possibility to make great profit.

Proverb: ma khalat min aiyaal l-halaal

Literal meaning: Life is still full of good people.

Gist: This proverb is said by someone who, when in need, receives good treatment and free assistance by people and relatives. It emphasises the existence of those good persons who constantly try very hard to give a hand to others without expecting anything in return. [It could be seen as an optimistic view of life.]

Proverb: min taala’ aala gheira gall kheira

Literal meaning: He (who) watches others, will come to no good (in the end).

Gist: This proverb reminds people to focus on themselves and stop looking at what others have or possess. It hints that those imitating and watching others often harm themselves more.