Manama: A Saudi security officer has denied reports that a Yemeni worker has found treasure that belonged to Qarun (Korah) in Al Baha, a city in the south west of the kingdom.

Qarun was a wealthy Israelite during the era of Prophet Moses who served as a minister for the affairs of the Hebrews under an Egyptian pharaoh. According to Islamic tradition, he had rejected Moses’ call to join the Jewish faith.

Muslims believe he was punished due to his extreme arrogance by being swallowed by the earth along with all his treasures.

Online reports said that the Yemeni national was digging when he stumbled across the wealth of gold hidden in huge jars.

However, Sa’ad Saleh Tarrad, the spokesperson for the police in Al Bahah, said that they were not aware of anyone finding any treasure in the area.

“The police did not receive any information about the treasure allegations,” he said, local daily Al Madinah reported on Monday.

According to the spokesperson, the pictures circulated online to support the claims were not taken in Saudi Arabia and may have been shot in Palestine or any other country.

Al Baha is at least 1,300 kilometres from Egypt, where Qarun is believed to have lived.