Tiryaka Kati Chakrasana (Gulf News Archives) Image Credit: Gulf News Archives

A healthy lifestyle and active mind is the secret to looking young. But over the years, due to the changes in man’s lifestyle, he has considerably grown in size. Most people carry potbellies or have visceral fat which slows down or affects the functioning of the internal organs.

Some recent studies have also found that obesity is one of the main reason for early ageing these days. It also affects our breathing process which in turn affects the metabolism thus forming a vicious cycle.

The only solution to this problem is yoga. Yoga uses a combination of postures with breathing which not only burns fat but also improves the functioning of the internal organs thus stopping ageing and reversing the process.




1 Start with keeping your feet apart and hands raised up at shoulder level, as shown.

2 Starting with your right side, turn your foot out and take your right palm towards the foot.

3 Exhale and place your right palm on the mat behind the leg, as shown.

4 At this point the right side of the body will be completely contracted and the left will be stretched. Keep breathing normally here and hold the posture from 10-30 seconds.

5 Repeat the same on the left side.



1 Strengthens and stretches the sides of the body.

2 Stretches the groins, spine, waist, chest and lungs, and shoulders.

3 Stimulates abdominal organs.

4 Increases stamina.

5 Works on the liver and eliminates wastes from the body.

Caution: Persons with severe lower back injuries must avoid doing this posture.


Tiryaka Kati Chakrasana


1 Start with your feet and shoulder distance apart and your hands stretched over your head, as shown. Inhale here.

2 As you exhale, bend forward keeping your chest parallel to the ground and looking straight ahead.

3 Now twist your upper body to the right and hold, as shown, for 10-30 seconds. Repeat the same on the left side.




1 Reduces fat around the waist.

2 Strengthens the back muscles and shoulders.

3 Stretches the scapula.

4 Good for the hip joints.

5 Improves balance and coordination.

Caution: People with severe lower back pain must do this posture under professional guidance.

For further details contact 800YOGA(800-9642) or log on to artisticyoga.com