Parighasana Image Credit: Gulf News Archives

Finding solutions to obesity has become a mission around the world. In spite of knowing what to do to fight obesity, we are not able to convince our mind to stick to the routine and discipline.

Yoga being a vast science has the ability to make us stick to a routine while also giving us the much desired freshness in your workout. As we have established earlier, yogic techniques first combat the laziness of the mind and then tackle the problems of the body.

The first step towards this is to accept and understand what the root cause of the problem is. For each person the cause might be different, it could be hereditary, lifestyle habits, certain medications, etc. Once you identify the problem, finding solutions becomes easy. Through this series let us look at a few postures that can help you fight obesity.



1 Start with kneeling down on the floor with your left leg stretched out and the heel on the ground.

2 Now raise both your hands up close to your ears and inhale.

3 As you exhale, bend to the side of your body, as shown, with your left hand on the left leg and your right hand going over your head.

4 Look up at your right hand and hold the posture from 10-30 seconds keeping your attention on the sides of your body.

5 Repeat the same for the right side with the right leg stretched out.


1 Stretches the sides of the torso and spine.

2 Stretches the hamstrings.

3 Stretches the shoulders.

4 Stimulates abdominal organs and lungs.


For people, who have suffered knee injuries in the past, kneeling might be difficult or impossible. In this case, perform the pose sitting on a chair. Arrange your legs either in front of your torso, with knees at right angles, or stretch one leg out to the side, mimicking the full pose.



1 Stand with your feet and shoulder distance apart, and keep your hands by your side.

2 As you inhale raise your hands up and stretch your body upwards and bend to your right side stretching your sides. Exhale and hold the posture for 10-30 seconds and start breathing normally.

3 Repeat the same on the left side.

4 Repeat this posture 3-5 times.


1 Improves posture.

2 Strengthens the thighs, knees, and ankles.

3 Alleviates pain caused due to varicose veins.

4 Firms the abdomen and buttocks.

5 Relieves sciatica

6 Reduces flat feet

Note: Beginners can do this posture with support until your sense of balance gets better.

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