Aries (March 20 — April 19)

As an Aries, you care passionately about others and do all you can to support partners in your personal and working life. However, recent but promising changes have made them anxious. They need your support. Give them the reassurance they need, and in the way that you alone can do.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

Recent differences have turned into serious, if not worrying, situations. While it’s important to deal with these, by no means should you struggle to find a solution everybody can live with. The actual circumstances in question are shifting dramatically. Until things are more settled, the less you do, the better.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20)

Sooner or later you’ll have to make decisions about work, various obligations or practical matters. Obviously you want these dealt with and off your mind, however, you’re short of facts. You will be until the 27th, when your ruler Mercury moves to accent such matters. After that, it will be crystal clear.

Cancer (June 21 — July 21)

After having dismissed the idea of making changes in your work or lifestyle for ages, suddenly your perspective has changed. Enough you’re intrigued. Waste no time on reflection. You’re better off exploring your options. Things are moving swiftly, so much that within days you could actually be making those changes.

Leo (July 22 — August 22)

Although you’ve no problem speaking your mind, and so often get what you want, just as frequently you compromise, allowing others to have their say. At the moment, this isn’t just important, somebody who’s shy needs to be encouraged to speak up. And you’re the one who can do it.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

Few things are more frustrating than dealing with somebody who’s absolutely sure they’re right when you know perfectly well, they’re wrong. You could say that, but they’d only laugh. This means you probably have no choice but to stand back, and to let them discover their mistakes for themselves.

Libra (September 23 — October 22)

Change is in the air. While you enjoy exploring new ideas and potential changes, actually undertaking them is another matter. You worry about the disruption it would cause you and others. Yet between the coming Libra New Moon and powerful planetary activity, there’s no discussion. Those changes are inevitable.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21)

Ordinarily you’d be wary of offers as sudden as they are thrilling. However, those triggered by this week’s stunning link between Jupiter and inventive Uranus are too good to ignore. True, they could involve serious and, possibly, extensive change. Still, there’s no question it will be worth it.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 20)

Certain individuals are advising you to handle those who’re easily upset delicately. While, on occasion, diplomacy is vital, at the moment being too tactful could lead to serious confusion. The trick is to state your views clearly, ensure others understand them but carefully avoid further potentially contentious discussion.

Capricorn (December 21 — January 19)

One of the most difficult things in life is watching those you care about make mistakes. But if you’d discussed their plans and expressed your concerns, then there’s nothing more you can say or do other than remain silently by the sidelines, ready, should they need your support.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 17)

Judging by the current planetary setup, your life is about to shift and in an unfamiliar direction. While it’s possible such matters have been on your mind, the odds are good these are new. So new, in fact, that you could be unsure what’s wise. Explore everything, including what seems questionable.

Pisces (February 18 — March 19)

No plan suits everybody. At the moment, however, one particular situation seems to have attracted considerable comment and criticism. While you’ve explained as much as you can, there’s only so much you can say. If others still question your judgement, thank them for their views, then proceed as you think best.

If it’s your birthday today

Your birthday chart shows there’s good fortune coming your way, but not necessarily in the form or at the time you’d expect. This may be disappointing. However, what’s about to appear isn’t what you want but, rather, what you need. Thus, you may not even recognise an encounter, experience or, perhaps, gift as being fortunate, at least initially. Learning to spot these is an art, one that will enhance your life in untold ways.