Aries (March 20 – April 19)

Little is more annoying than situations that require you to sidestep the facts. But certain matters really can’t be discussed openly, at least at the moment. Once things are out in the open, as they will be next week, there’ll be no problem. Until then, the less said, the better.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

As an earth sign, you have a deep respect for life’s practicalities. Yet you can’t ignore the powerful feelings about the need for changes triggered by the Sun’s potent alliance to the intuitive Neptune. At least explore these. Once you do, you’ll be more convinced that they are wise.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Tempting as it is to make a point of recent situations in which you were right and others wrong, you’d soon regret it. True, their difficult attitude complicated matters considerably. Still, their goodwill does matter because within a few days you’ll need their advice. And this time, they’ll be right.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21)

Because discussions are venturing into new and, therefore, unfamiliar territory, you’d prefer to take things slowly. But the swift pace of events means that you’ll have to throw caution out the window and move swiftly. While you may have certain concerns, your instincts are correct in saying you needn’t worry.

Leo (July 22 – August 22)

You didn’t intend to ignore the facts. Yet from the perspective of others, it could easily seem that was what you were trying to achieve. The problem, of course, was that you were trying to avoid issues that would upset them. Now they’ve no choice but to cope with these matters.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Risky as trusting your instincts over hard facts seems, the feelings you’re experiencing are so powerful that they can’t be ignored. At minimum, explore the issues in question. Once you’ve learnt more, the puzzle pieces will begin to fit. After that, within a short time, everything else will to make sense.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

When potentially troublesome issues arose a few days ago, your instinct was to smooth any ruffled feathers. However, you soon realised these issues will need to be addressed at some point, and that sooner would be better than later. This has left you with a sense of relief and accomplishment.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

The phrase “good fortune” may bring certain long cherished hopes or dreams to mind. While it’s possible the Sun’s brilliant alliance with your ruler Pluto, will bring what you hope, the odds are good that what arises will be both better and completely unexpected. Knowing that, explore absolutely everything.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 20)

Things are moving swiftly, so much that you may have to make certain commitments before you’re entirely ready to. The trick is to state your intention to proceed, but to make it clear that’s dependent on the facts you learn and on what takes place over the next few days.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Speaking the truth may be a virtue. Do so at the moment, however, and it could actually create problems. Certain individuals are keeping important facts to themselves, primarily because these would concern, if not upset, others. Eventually, they’ll discuss these. Leave the timing to them.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)

If asked, you wouldn’t say you’re sentimental about either possessions or people. Yet certain individuals rouse feelings of loyalty that aren’t just unmerited, you often end up doing more for them than is wise. Knowing that, be careful what you say, or you’ll end up making promises you’ll soon regret.

Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

From time to time, everybody talks about their beliefs. Usually, that’s that. But now one particular individual seems determined to turn this exchange of ideas into a war of words. Once you recognise this, quietly but firmly back away. While they’re looking for a battle, it needn’t be with you.