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Aries March 20 – April 18

During this rewarding year, you’ll find yourself achieving personal goals and objectives, some longstanding. This is kick-started by your ruler Mars being positioned in Aries from January 27 to March 10, which both focuses your mind and boosts your spirits. What you begin then will shape this year and many to come as well. Plus, with fortunate Jupiter accenting close alliances, personal and out in the world, until October working closely with others will bring remarkable benefits. This will be both exciting and challenging. In fact, you may need to slow your usual swift pace or even let others take the lead.

Love and relationships: Despite your strong independent spirit, close relations with family, friends and even colleagues become a priority. Others take a greater role in your life, influencing everything from your tasks to your leisure time. Much as you love this, relinquishing control could sometimes be challenging.

Finances and work: Imagination and teamwork are key. There’s the potential to benefit from new ideas, but because those are likely to come from others, you may need to let them take the lead. What you learn and the benefit you gain justify learning to be flexible.

Health and wellbeing: During this demanding but exciting year, looking after yourself is even more important than usual. Since teamwork’s a theme, try partnering in your fitness routine. Similarly, coaching in your way of eating could smooth out those occasional ups and downs.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

In late 2016 you began a cycle that’s about both looking at life and approaching your work or everyday life differently, often in ways you’d never conceived possible. As 2017 begins, you apply what you’ve learnt, making changes and exploring offers that, only recently, you’d never have considered. This inquisitive mood continues until mid-year, by which time you’ve encountered intriguing ideas and met fascinating people. By then you’ll also have realised this isn’t about making a single lasting plan or arrangement but, rather, about allowing these, and your life, to grow, prosper and change. You’re soon embracing ideas you’d once have regarded as, quite simply, ‘not you’.

Love and relationships: Sometimes difficulties are actually an invitation to talk, explore issues and learn about yourself and others in the process. That’s exactly what you’ll experience, especially between March and May. The more open you are, the closer you’ll be with those who matter most.

Finances and work: Tempting as it is to hold back from committing to changes you’re unsure about or new arrangements, during this unsettled year you’d wait a long time. Instead get involved, but in a way that gives you flexibility. Then let experience be both your guide and teacher.

Health and wellbeing: This year’s demanding but exciting activities could mean you forget to look after yourself, especially on the fitness front. Don’t wait until you’re feeling creaky to do something about it. Bear in mind, however, salsa dancing can be as good for you as a workout at the gym.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

This is your kind of year, one with enough excitement and change to keep you happy yet the variety of challenges you thrive on. Better yet, things move swiftly from one plan to the next and, happily, most things fall into place easily. If there’s any challenge it’s dealing with those who either dislike or are actually uneasy about this degree of transition. Instead of saying something amusing to distract them, delve into their concerns. While your efforts will calm them, their concerns could prove to be informative. Better yet, you’ll achieve more as a team than you would have on your own.

Love and relationships: The secret to keeping others happy is simple. Update them regularly. And in depth. This applies to everything from family and loved ones to colleagues. The worst thing you could do is spring a fully planned arrangement on somebody close. You wouldn’t mind, but they will.

Finances and work: Plan ahead. This is a year of examining what works, what doesn’t and most of all, exploring your options but probably not actually committing to major ideas or arrangements. That’s in 2018. This may seem ages from now, but what arises then will be worth waiting for.

Health and wellbeing: With so much to think about you can easily neglect the important routine of eating well and getting your body moving. The trick is to make it social, whether it’s a course in healthful cooking or going running with pals.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

This is year of progress. During its first three months, however, you could easily mistake abrupt changes in existing arrangements or sudden developments as worrying when, in fact, they’re breakthroughs. These are altering the foundation of many existing plans and, importantly, encouraging you to question your priorities. This is preparation for the dynamic cycle that you experience while Mars is in Cancer, from early June to late July, but which is so inspiring, you’re soon merrily undertaking new plans and projects for the future. This isn’t about sticking with the familiar, it’s exploring absolutely every option, then gradually beginning a new chapter of your life.

Love and relationships: Don’t allow concerns about changes in your life being unsettling or upsetting others overshadow your plans. Instead, talk things through. Not only will you be reassured by what’s said, you’ll realise those who seemed fretful in the past were merely showing how much they care.

Finances and work: Often progress comes at the cost, which is disruption, if not a bit of chaos. Tempting as it is to slow the pace of change until finances catch up or you feel reassured all is well, if ever there was a time to have faith in the future, it’s 2017.

Health and wellbeing: As is always the case, balancing obligations to others and tending to practical matters could easily undermine your own wellbeing routine. But rarely has it been so important. Still, you can have fun and get the exercise you need and, better yet, spend time with those you adore.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Looking back on 2016, you’re realising it was all about duty and dealing with practicalities. While you achieved a lot, you still feel trapped. The coming year is designed to free you from both restrictive situations and your own habits and beliefs, some of which are holding you back. These breakthroughs are triggered by eclipses in February and August. What seem disruptive events are taking you into new territory in terms of ideas, activities and your alliances. Explore everything and organise what you must but still, ensure any arrangements are flexible, as things are unlikely to settle down until late 2017.

Love and relationships: You’re not alone in experiencing change and excitement. Individuals you’re close to are juggling existing arrangements and future plans, too. These changes could mean altering your link. If so, be bold. These changes breathe fresh air into every relationship, especially those that have become predictable.

Finances and work: Speaking your mind comes naturally. So you’ll discuss work, finances or what you feel you’re owed frankly. It’s the same with goals and objectives. However, Mars in Leo from July 20 until September 5 increases your focus and power, as well. You’ll be unstoppable.

Health and wellbeing: Why would you slow your pace when you’ve having so much fun? While that’s a logical question, your body will tell you when it’s time to take a break. Not only should you listen, do something wonderfully luxurious for yourself and, ideally, share it with others.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

The first half of 2017 is about decluttering both your thinking and your life. This is needed. But as time moves on and you eliminate everything from burdensome relationships to unworkable arrangements, professional or otherwise, yet there’s little new to replace these, and you could worry. Being patient isn’t easy. But the boost to both your spirits and your life triggered by Mars’ presence in Virgo from September 5 to October 22 makes up for it all. This is about exploration and action, not finalising anything. So consider what long term plans might look like but take your time making lasting arrangements.

Love and relationships: The part of you that thrives on routine may struggle during this exciting if unpredictable year. Still, you’ll soon discover that discussing changes, and talking over potential plans with others isn’t just informative, it draws you closer.

Finances and work: Because eclipses in February and August influence your daily routine and working life, sudden events could throw things into disarray. While unsettling, you swiftly spot this as the chance you’ve been waiting for to make dramatic, but badly needed, changes.

Health and wellbeing: As a Virgo, you have an instinct for what your body needs and doesn’t, so eat wisely. Your stress levels are another matter entirely. You say you’ll calm down when life does. Instead, adopt a practice, even one as simple as a daily walk, to achieve that serenity amid this year’s excitement.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Because Jupiter, planet of growth and opportunity, moved in to Libra in October 2016, you’ve probably already realised that the amazing events it promises won’t necessarily appear in the form you expected. Initially, in fact, they could be unrecognisable. Add the disruptive developments triggered by eclipses in February and August and it might seem things are getting worse. Actually, this is about broadening your horizons. This all comes together between October 22 and December 9, while Mars, planet of ego and action, helps fine tune your perspective on your options, and teaches you to state clearly what your heart desires.

Love and relationships: So often in life you’ve compromised your priorities to keep others happy. This could happen again early in 2017, but something tells you to discuss your own desires, and with an unaccustomed frankness. This clarifies your own thinking but, importantly, ensures others know what you’re aiming for.

Finances and work: Jupiter’s about opportunities of every kind, but especially involving the practical and professional side of your life. Despite that, you’ll sometimes need to ask others for support and, as often, put yourself first. This might be tough initially, but you’ll soon be doing it, and loving it.

Health and wellbeing: As an air sign, you sometimes forget to eat and, equally, can ignore the benefits of being out in the fresh air. Make looking after yourself a joint effort. Get family, friends or even colleagues involved, and you’ll not only feel better, you’ll have a good time doing what’s good for you.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Diverse as the situations you face during 2017 seem, they’re all about eliminating potentially restrictive habits, attitudes or ways of thinking. So the events triggered by eclipses in February and August may seem disruptive but, actually, they’re encouraging you to broaden your horizons. It’s the same with tensions in usually harmonious relationships, personal or professional. This is preparing you for Jupiter’s move into Scorpio, on October 10, for a year’s stay. This period is about sheer good fortune, but often the variety that results from broadening your horizons. And this requires being inquisitive. Develop the habit as 2017 begins, and you’ll be ahead of the game.

Love and relationships: Although your instincts say the unsettled events you’re experiencing are hugely promising, you long for reassurance. However, because this unsettled year also influences others, they’ll need you, too. The solution? Create a mutual support system. It will be surprisingly easy and work brilliantly.

Finances and work: Inevitably, cycles of growth, even if welcome, are costly, and not just in terms of money. Time, energy and even relationships can suffer. Acknowledge that to yourself and, where appropriate, explain it to others and, amazingly, all will be well.

Health and wellbeing: During periods of change, you tend to hold your breath, both literally and metaphorically, until things are settled. But this goes on all year, which means it’s time to take up some form of relaxing exercise and, possibly, a practice that will calm your mind as well.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

As you well know, your spontaneity, which is one of your greatest strengths, can sometimes be a weakness. This is one of the things you’ve learnt over the past year or so, while practical Saturn has been in Sagittarius. That, plus an emphasis on working closely with others, from family and friends to colleagues and even neighbours, has already shifted your perspective. So when you’re faced with sudden and often very tricky situations, especially those in March, August and September, you’ll pause, gather information and possibly seek guidance. What you learn so broadens your horizons, you’re actually thankful you’ve learnt to take life at a slower pace.

Love and relationships: This period isn’t just about moving at a slower pace, it’s about getting to know others deeply yet gradually, even those who’ve been part of your life for ages. The time you take to talk, to reflect and understand their world, changes yours. And creates a closeness and warmth you didn’t realise was possible.

Finances and work: You’ve already learnt to draw the line at pleasures and excesses that, only recently, you wouldn’t have thought about. This involves money, but also time and even your ideas. Better yet, you’re getting more for the efforts you make, sometimes in miraculous ways.

Health and wellbeing: While some Sagittarians thrive on exercise, others moan at even at the thought of it. Whichever you are, you’re in a period during which getting out and about isn’t just a good idea, it’s essential. But this can be fun. All you need do is decide to make it so.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

You, as a Capricorn, might well have prided yourself on being somewhat of a control freak. During the past year or so, while your ruler Saturn has been positioned in the most strategic and reflective portion of your chart, however, you’ve had to watch, wait and leave things to others. While this wasn’t easy at the time, you’ve learnt to let go, and in ways you thought impossible. During 2017, especially during March, May, August and November, you’ll spot situations you’d once have found worrying and will, instead, observe. And, if you do make a move, you’ll approach things differently. This breaks old patterns and frees you to live, work and love with a new focus – and passion.

Love and relationships: Often in the past trust has been an issue. While you’ve managed close alliances, from family to loved ones and partners, being truly vulnerable with them has been another matter. Now you explore exactly that. And you discover why it’s wonderful.

Finances and work: Usually you’re well in control of life’s practicalities but, lately, events have taken over. While worrying initially, you’ve learnt it’s not about doing things your way but, rather, shifting your perspective. As you do, new and possibly completely unexpected opportunities appear.

Health and wellbeing: When you’re in the mood to look after yourself, you do so, and spectacularly. Yet when you get out of the habit, as could easily happen during 2017, you look and feel worse. The solution? Not discipline but fun. Did you ever consider jazz dancing as exercise? It, and lots of other ways of moving to music, will do the trick.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Those closest know what an asset your inquisitive nature can be. Yet since October 2016, when expansive Jupiter moved to accent ways you can broaden your horizons, you’ve been learning about people, places and ideas that either you’d previously dismissed as uninteresting or didn’t even know existed. This exciting and rewarding process continues during 2017, and is linked to the amazing, and as unexpected changes, ideas or offers that appear frequently but especially March, May, August and September. Explore everything, if only to learn from what’s arisen and meet the people involved. Soon, however, you’ll realise these are making your world brighter and more exciting.

Love and relationships: Inevitably as your world changes so, too, will the balance in certain friendships, with family and even colleagues. This may be unsettling but, in the process of finding a new equilibrium, you’ll also renew even longstanding links, and in wonderful ways.

Finances and work: It’s the rare Aquarius who does anything purely for achievement or money. However, because you bring genuine interest to whatever you’re doing, that’s returned in practical or financial terms. Now, however, you’ll need to rethink several arrangements. This will be complex but, ultimately, rewarding.

Health and wellbeing: During periods of change it’s easy to get lost in what you’re thinking and doing and forget about looking after yourself. Yet this is when it’s most important. For you, as an air sign, once you find something interesting, eating well and exercising is no longer a chore, it’s a joy.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

On December 19, 2016, the planet of action, courage and passion, Mars, moved into Pisces, where it remains under January 27. This doesn’t just kickstart the year, it so boosts your spirits that, as the coming months unfold, you’ll find yourself worrying less and plunging into those pursuits and, perhaps, alliances you believe in. Still, ensure what you plan is flexible. That way, you’ll be prepared for unexpected and, often, discouraging events. Worrying as these seem, they’re actually prompting you to consider whether a rethink of existing arrangements might be wise. Magic is possible, but it will require thought and a touch of practicality.

Love and relationships: Sometimes tensions with those closest are exactly that, no more. Bear this in mind and, instead of fretting, you’ll simply ask what’s up. It’s the same with you. Feeling down? Don’t keep it a secret but also don’t dramatise it. Instead talk things over with those you trust. The results will be amazing.

Finances and work: During 2017 you’ll do well, but mostly your efforts are paving the way for the remarkable promise of 2018. Knowing that, plan carefully, both for what you’d like to achieve, earn and do. This may be a waiting game, but it’s justified by the results.

Health and wellbeing: The trick this year is to use your energy as if you were an athlete, taking part in a lengthy game or a competition, lasting over several days. Conserve your energy, look after yourself and don’t waste effort on what, ultimately, won’t take you closer to realising your objective. Simple. And worthwhile.