

As a Sagittarius and a fire sign, you enjoy exploring new places, exchanging ideas with clever people and learning from whatever you’re doing. Yet recently life has been demanding, and all too often dull. Only now are you beginning to realise what you learnt from those situations, and even individuals who were demanding and gave very little in return. Plus, your perspective has changed, as has your approach to both here and now and future plans. They’re different but, in a way, far more exciting.

Aries March 20 – April 18

With the Sun, the ideas planet Mercury and canny Saturn all positioned in your fellow fire sign of Sagittarius and accenting new ideas, the time has come to broaden your horizons. While you’re always interested in new people, places and ideas, you’re often too busy to explore them. Now things will fall into place.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Leaving decisions to others is appealing. But you’ve tried it before, and realised they don’t see things your way. While, in some cases, that’s an issue, at the moment this very different perspective on matters is an asset. Instead of arguing with their views, listen to their ideas. You’ll be amazed what you learn.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

Every Gemini enjoys a lively debate. You will, in fact, often switch sides midstream, just because it’s fun to argue from both angles. Now, however, you’re urged to be cautious. One particular individual takes everything seriously, so much so, they’ll be confused if not upset by the change in your views.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

For ages you’ve known you’d have to rethink your daily routine and, in the process, eliminate a few activities. Of course, the big question is what could possibly go? Between now and early December’s Full Moon, which accents such matters, you’ll decide. For now, simply be aware some changes are necessary.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Unlikely as it seems now, the uncomfortable or even worrying situations you’re facing are about doing things in a new way, if not breakthroughs. But you won’t know that until you’re actually involved in them. While, because of that, it may seem you’re taking a chance, you’ll soon realise how untrue that is.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

From your perspective, making tentative plans is a compromise. Yet with things moving so swiftly, around you and in your own life, there’s little point in struggling with detailed arrangements. Ironically, this isn’t just wise, keeping things loose is a good discipline for you to adopt from time to time.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Not everybody realises that when you ask their advice, it’s more a matter of being charming or making conversation than that you’re actually seeking guidance that, ultimately, you’ll put to use. Gently but firmly make that clear or certain individuals will be offended you ignored the ideas or suggestions they offered.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

You’re on the verge of making changes that, only days ago, you not only thought unwise, you were actively battling. Yet now you’re not only undertaking these, you’re actually excited about them. Apply the same reasoning to certain other, equally worrying, ideas or offers and you’ll make your life a lot easier.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

While it isn’t your intention to make yourself popular, you were born with that instinctive Sagittarian charm, which makes it easy to get to know others. Yet recently you’ve had a series of unpleasant encounters, and had no idea why. It’s about realising that not everybody enjoys your enthusiastic approach to life.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Mostly, you’re precise, in your words and action, this, in turn, inspires others’ efforts in their thinking and discussions. But even you have a blind spot, and that involves your feelings about one particular individual or situation. You simply refuse to acknowledge their shortcomings, and won’t until events force you to.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Every once in a while a change in your daily routine or lifestyle isn’t just wise, it’s necessary. However, keeping the balance between those activities and alliances you know and love, and those that seem to be taking centre stage is causing confusion. That’s understandable. Live with it. Soon it will die down.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

There’s no right or wrong way to stand up for yourself. If somebody is criticising you for being stubborn or difficult, that’s probably because they’ve nobody but themselves in mind. Gently but firmly ignore their complaints. Bizarrely, despite their current state of mind, they’ll forget these themselves, and surprisingly swiftly.