

Not only is the planet of action and courage, Mars, in Gemini on your birthday, it’s confronting the cautious Saturn, a link that’s all about being clear what you want to do, especially in situations involving others. While, on one hand, this can involve close personal alliances, from family to loved ones, equally, this may be about more worldly links. In every case, you’ll want to carefully review your goals, discuss and refine them with those involved, then work together to achieve them.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Obviously, pointless regulations and those who insist on following them are infuriating. However, judging by the clash between your ruler Mars and Saturn, which accents exactly such issues, battling these would achieve little. Out of character as it may be, give in, then turn your attention to other, far more worthwhile, matters.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

After having juggled a range of unsettling situations, you’ve been hoping things will be calmer. They will be, but not until you’ve faced, discussed and dealt with yet more tricky issues. Happily, no single one is that complicated, so you can tackle these as they arise and soon be done with them.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

If you’ve lots of questions but are short of answers, it’s no surprise. Last Thursday’s Gemini New Moon would have brought existing issues to a head and, equally, highlighted the importance of several unresolved matters. Some are urgent, others less so, but all will need a certain amount of your time and attention.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Frustrating, if not worrying, as admitting that certain crucial matters simply aren’t up to you may be, actually leaving things to others is wise. You aren’t nearly as well informed about these situations as the individuals in question are, and as important, they have your best interests at heart.

Leo July 22 – August 21

When you agreed to undertake plans with one particular friend or colleague, you had in mind a joint effort. While they’ve taken over a great deal of the work required, about which you’ve no objection, they’re also making what you thought would be joint decisions. This shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

For ages you’ve been talking about making improvements in elements of your domestic or working life but there’s always been a problem. However, the events triggered by the recent New Moon got things going, if in a somewhat unanticipated direction. Still, explore these developments. It could turn out to be brilliant.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Planning ahead isn’t just a virtue, it helps alleviate your concerns about the variety of sudden change that would be upsetting to others. However, with your ruler Venus meeting the planet of the unexpected, Uranus, at the end of the week, while changes are inevitable, they’re also likely to be delightful.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

When you first sidestepped tricky issues, it was because of exactly that. If you could avoid those entirely, life would be a lot easier. While that was true then, things have changed, so much that you now owe it to others to ensure they learn the full facts. And the greater the detail, the better.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Certain rather compulsive individuals want to know what your intentions are, but regarding situations that are only just now taking shape. The real issue is they plan ahead while you, as a fire sign, live in the moment. Simply say you’re thinking about it. That should make them happy.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Tempting as it is to shore up certain increasingly demanding relationships, the time has come to examine their role in your life. While you, as a Capricorn, can be amazingly loyal, you must occasionally consider where, and with whom, you want to invest your efforts and energy. This is just such a moment.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

It would be no surprise if you weren’t still thinking about, and benefiting from, the unexpected and perhaps unsettling events triggered by the link between Saturn and your ruler Uranus, on the 19th. This was so powerful that you’ll be responding to, and enjoying, the ideas and offers it triggered for weeks.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

By no means are you stubborn. But, on the other hand, you’ve been surprisingly unwilling even to explore certain potentially worthwhile ideas or offers. This isn’t because you’re not interested but, rather, you fear taking these further would mean giving up certain arrangements which you don’t just care about, you’re a bit obsessed.