

The process of decluttering your home, life or even activities is fashionable these days. And while getting rid of excess of any variety creates space for new and wonderful ideas and experiences, the emphasis in your birthday chart is as much on eliminating both past feelings, some of which are undermining your happiness and, as much, ridding yourself of unrewarding goals. While, once, these were important, times have changed and so have you. Say farewell to these now. You won’t miss them.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Now that you’ve had a chance to think about recent thrilling but demanding developments, your perspective is changing. Initially you weren’t sure these were worth the bother, especially dealing with all the details required. Now that you’ve thought about it, you’re recognising that, actually, they’ll justify the effort required.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

On occasion, the words or actions of one particular individual have the power to trigger your stubborn streak. And because that’s happened, you’re more or less refusing even to discuss timely changes. There’s only one solution, and it involves overcoming this mood and talking issues over, and with an open mind.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

For ages you’ve known you’d have to deal with vital but tedious situations but have always managed to sidestep them. However, they’re not only pressing, what you learn could influence your thinking about other equally important matters. Knowing that, ensure the answers you get go into sufficient depth and detail.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

For ages there’s been talk of sudden changes but, thus far, nothing has happened. Actually, the past weeks have been preparing you for these events. This cycle, which begins on 4 June, when energetic Mars moves into Cancer, combines unexpected ideas and offers while it boosts your own enthusiasm.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Only days ago you were struggling to keep certain cherished arrangements going, mostly because they’ve become such a familiar part of your life. But between the recognition that changes are inevitable and the fact letting these go would free you to do other things, you’re surprisingly ready to say farewell.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Certain plans were once central to your thinking, objectives and, in the case of a few, your heart. Yet within less than a week, events have forced you to recognise that, while these may once have been ideal, times have changed, the people involved have and so, too, must your ideas.

Libra September 22 – October 22

There’s no question that in challenging one particular individual on their rather careless approach to the facts, you’re accusing them of being deceptive. Yet, that’s exactly what they’ve been, and even worse, they’re proud of it. The resulting discussions won’t be easy, but will ensure you’re not blamed for their dishonesty.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

True, you’d have good reason to be annoyed, if not actually upset, by the sudden changes others have made, and often with virtually no notice. Instead of fuming, ask what was behind these. Once you understand the cause of these manoeuvres, you’ll exchange your irritation for understanding, if not compassion for what they’re facing.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Long ago you learnt that what seem minor disagreements can easily turn into major, and time consuming, battles. This could be the case now. If you must stand your ground, do so, but in a manner that’s clear yet doesn’t invite discussion. Any such extended conversations can wait until later.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Obviously, those who make demands without even thinking about the actual situation in question are annoying. While you can usually sidestep these individuals, there’s no escaping them, at least right now. Still, you can make your own demands. Tell them exactly what facts you expect them to organise and by when.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

It’s time to conduct what might be termed a ‘life-edit’. There are a number of activities, alliances, pursuits and even passions that once meant a lot, but remain out of habit more than anything else. Strange as the idea of letting go of these seems, at least consider it.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Only days ago you were unsure whether it was worth taking a firm line about certain tricky issues. While your views are clear and, even more, there are practical matters to consider, one particular individual insists it would inconvenience them. Think back. They say this whenever they aren’t getting their way.