

Judging by the powerful link between the communication planet Mercury and down to earth Saturn in your birthday chart, you’ve a lot to talk over, and those discussions need to be in detail. You understand the importance of precision but you’d prefer to do the minimum, then move on to whatever is next. However, several situations not only demand this variety of thoroughness, what you learn will benefit you in the situation in question and, just as much, in the future.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Ordinarily you’d regard the stumbling blocks you’re facing as exactly that, minor obstacles to be overcome, one way or another. However, your initial attempts have been challenging, if not seriously worrying. While it’s vital you take these seriously, with some clever thinking you’ll find a way around them.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Although you’ve a knack for knowing when to speak up and, equally, when to be silent, you’re now in a bind. By that is meant, you can’t ignore certain issues but also are wary about even mentioning them. Bide your time. Mercury’s move into Taurus, on Friday, will change everything.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

Only last week you were battling with one particular individual about minor, but crucial, facts. Since then you’ve worked things out and, ironically, spurred by those conflicts are exploring new ideas. Bear this in mind when other, equally contentious, issues arise. Discuss them in depth. It could prove unexpectedly rewarding.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Watching those you care about go to battle over matters you regard as unimportant isn’t easy. Still, tempting as it is to intervene, you’d regret it. The actual issue is far more complicated than it appears to be. Get involved and, bizarrely, others could turn the tables and blame you for everything.

Leo July 22 – August 21

With so much going on, and so many decisions to make in such a short time, there are bound to be clashes. Forget about trying to win others over to your way of doing things. Soon enough events will reveal what’s working and what isn’t. That’s when you should discuss lasting arrangements.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

It’s true, you sometimes complain that you shoulder the burden for so many responsibilities and decisions. But now that somebody has relieved you of at least one of those, rather than being delighted, you’re annoyed. And, equally, concerned they won’t get things right. Give this reaction some serious thought.

Libra September 22 – October 22

The sudden changes triggered by this week’s New Moon may be unsettling but they’re also breaking ground for substantial shifts in existing arrangements and, ideas as new as they are exciting. Tempting as it is to turn these into plans, keep things flexible until after mid April’s powerful Libra Full Moon.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

You don’t just need to talk things over. Those discussions need to cover certain matters you’ve kept under wraps. First, you must explain what’s going on, especially to those who’re involved. Forget about being discreet. Then, after that, inform everybody who’s affected about the facts, ideally, all at once.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Despite your admiration of those who stick to a routine and are disciplined in every area of their lives, you prefer to be more spontaneous. However, certain arrangements currently being discussed would mean sacrificing that freedom, if temporarily. It wouldn’t be easy but the rewards would more than justify the effort required.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

The line between your renowned Capricorn practicality and being stubborn is never clear. Yet now, it’s vital you give it thought, mostly so you can assess what’s behind your refusal to even consider certain ideas or offers. True, they’d trigger changes. But they’re no more extensive than those you’ve made in the past.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Few things annoy you more than those who’re so convinced they’ve all the facts, they dismiss what anybody, including you, has to say or suggest. Still, don’t give up. Make whatever point you must, knowing that while they’ll ignore it now, eventually they’ll have to admit you were right.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Now that both Mercury and the Sun are accenting the wise use of your resources, it’s vital you do your sums. However, this isn’t just about money. It’s about the wise use of your time, your ideas and even your friendship. The first step? Pause and consider which alliances are most rewarding.