

As a Cancerian, and a water sign, you long ago learnt how vital it is that you trust your feelings. By that is meant not only the state of your emotions but those deeper feelings that are often referred to as your intuition. This is so highlighted in your birthday chart that you’ll find you suddenly feel the need to alter existing arrangements or change the direction of new ones. If in doubt take it slowly. Soon, however, you’ll realise how trustworthy this particular variety of feelings is.

Aries March 20 – April 18

It seems that one particular individual is complaining about situations that aren’t really that much of a problem. From your perspective, that might be the case. But you forget, others aren’t as courageous as you are. Knowing that, you’ll be more sympathetic about the struggles they’re facing.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

This is one of those perplexing times when, welcome as exciting ideas or offers are, taking advantage of them would mean leaving elements of the past behind. Analyse what’s going and you’ll realise they’d be no loss. The fact is, in eliminating them, you’d be decluttering your life.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Sometimes opportunities are clear cut, so much so there’s no question what to do. However, others aren’t just confusing, you’re unclear how you should respond. The answer is, exactly that. Respond, but in a way that shows you’re interested. Meanwhile, for the moment, focus on exploration. Decisions can, and should, wait.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

True, you’ve had good reason to keep certain potentially upsetting thoughts to yourself. However, with things moving swiftly, it’s vital others are aware of both your concerns and potential solutions. Don’t wait until you’ve thought things out in detail. The sooner you talk through matters with those who’re involved, the better.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Unsettling as sudden changes are, they really can’t be avoided. Not only that, these events will help break up patterns that, while familiar, are actually holding you back. If you’re still in doubt about them being wise, reflect on times in the past when changes brought brilliant, if unexpected, benefits.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Watching something you’ve worked hard to organise come undone isn’t easy. Yet not only are you unable to slow this process, the situation in question is becoming more of a burden than a pleasure. As crucial, you’re ignoring other, better, options because you’re so absorbed by the current matter

Libra September 22 – October 21

What seems a vague exchange of ideas about potential changes in elements of your work, lifestyle or domestic setup could, by next week, turn into serious discussions. This may mean making decisions more swiftly than you’d like. But once you know more, you’ll realise that it’s vital you act swiftly.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

True, it’s unlike you to say yes first and ask questions later. But between the rarity and the power of the recent link between the bountiful Jupiter and your ruler Pluto, this is no time to hesitate. While things won’t go remotely as you’d anticipated, what’s least expected could be miraculous.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

Although it’s been over a week since the Sagittarius Full Moon, you’re still wrestling with the heightened feelings it triggered. They’re all intense, but they range from exciting plans, and passions for certain individuals to, in yet other situations, frustration. The solution? What you don’t want to hear. In every case, it’s patience.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Although the recent amazing link between Jupiter and Pluto, which is positioned in Capricorn, brings exciting developments for every sign, obviously you’ll profit most. If there’s any problem, it’s that what’s best in the long run could seem most disruptive when it first arises. Knowing that, explore absolutely everything.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

The last thing you’re interested in is reorganising the way you use your resources, that is, your ideas, your time and even your affections. Yet events are forcing you to do exactly that. Unappealing as this seems now, once you’re involved, you’ll realise how badly a review of this nature was needed.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

What began as relatively tense discussions, only days ago, have now become both easy and interesting. In fact, you’re discovering a great deal about both certain individuals and situations in which you’re jointly involved. Make time for these. The more you learn, the more worthwhile they’ll become.