

While everybody is influenced by the fresh perspective triggered by the New Moon, the fact it takes place on your birthday and is in the sign of Leo says you’re in for breakthroughs. While you’ve had some changes in mind, the odds are good others will arise, several as surprising as they are timely. Many will be abrupt and corner you into proceeding with little time to ask questions, still less, discuss your options. Ironically, these will turn out best.

Aries March 20 – April 18

In the past, you sidestepped controversial matters, mostly because they upset certain individuals. While it’s understandable why you avoided them then, these are now taking centre stage. The less you say, the easier it will be for the individuals in question to draw their own, completely erroneous, conclusions. Speak up now.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Even the most exciting ideas or offers will, inevitably, lead to changes. That may seem to be stating the obvious but in certain situations you’re pretending this won’t happen. It will. However, if you investigate now, what you discover could convince you things aren’t just good, they’re better than you imagined possible.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

Certain individuals are talking in stern terms about arrangements being final, and worse, have aroused concerns about you being ill-prepared to take things to the next stage. The fact is, things are by no means settled, which means they’ll soon realise this is in no way the time to finalise anything.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

The last thing you feel like doing is talking over already tense situations. While you’ve been rather hoping they could proceed as planned, sudden changes and the resulting discussions could lead to breakthroughs, if not thrilling new ideas. Still, first, you’ll have to find a way to overcome others’ negative attitude.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Every year, the move by your ruler the Sun into Leo marks a fresh start. The current one’s especially significant, because it combines the Leo New Moon, which itself constitutes a sort of new year with the arrival of the courageous Mars into Leo, all of which focus your attention on timely changes.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

The move by your ruler Mercury, the planet of ideas and expression, into Virgo on Tuesday begins a powerful cycle of questioning and discussion. While what you’re learning won’t always be immediately clear, be patient. Step by step and day by day, you’ll begin to piece things together.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Walking away from certain longstanding arrangements or close personal alliances is bound to seem like a failure, at least initially. This is because you’ve invested so much time, energy and in some cases, heart, in making them work. The sad fact is, however, others just don’t care as much as you do.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Disruptive as sudden changes in plans are, in the long run they’ll be hugely beneficial. While your instincts say this, you’re still wary. This is one of those odd situations in which you’re short of facts yet you sense there’s huge promise. That’s true, as you’ll discover, gradually, and over the coming days.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

You and the rest of the world are beginning a cycle that’s about exciting developments, many sudden. While you won’t object to this in the least, not everybody will be as enthusiastic. If others seemed determined to battle the new or unfamiliar, don’t argue. Proceed solo and let them catch up later.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

With the Sun, Mercury and Mars all accenting joint ventures, and even more, indicating that others are in charge, you can back off. Ironically, you’ve been complaining that certain individuals expect you to deal with and decide everything. However, now that you’re actually relinquishing these tasks, you’ll be surprisingly annoyed.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

There’s no use arguing with those whose thinking is hopelessly stuck in the past. Yet recently you’ve done exactly that and could find yourself doing it again. Ironically, these discussions will reveal where and how you need to review your own ideas about, and vision for, the changes currently unfolding.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Others seem annoyed about the ideas you’re exploring, despite the fact these are none of their business. In truth, what you’re discussing and considering is far more interesting than anything they have in mind, so instead of conducting inner debates about their own plans and projects, they’re focusing on yours.