

You don’t think of yourself as a visionary until you encounter or, as is the case now, must deal with somebody or, perhaps, an organisation totally lacking in imagination. But that’s exactly what you’re facing and, importantly, working with them will require getting them to alter both their perspective and habits. Challenging as this seems initially, once you’ve devised the formula, you’ll be amazed and surprised how welcome your ideas and suggestions are.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Few Aries make lists of goals. When you’ve something in mind, you’ll tackle it right away. Yet certain matters must wait, simply because you’re either short of facts or for various reasons, circumstances are preventing you taking action now. Instead, you’re urged to deal with tedious practicalities you’ve been putting off.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

A few days ago the Sun moved into a new sign and, to accent the structure of your life. This suggests you’re facing a number of pivotal decisions. While you’ve already made several, their significance wasn’t clear at the time. Now that it is, you’ll be deeply relieved you got it right.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

It’s easy to turn disagreements into a laughing matter and it is, in fact, a way you defuse situations that could easily escalate into serious dramas. Now, however, it’s the reverse. You must ensure the individuals in question realise that they should take what you say and do very seriously indeed.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Sometimes progress means sticking to your goals until you’ve achieved them. However, with the actual foundation on which these are based shifting, you’re urged to review your objectives, regularly and, in some cases, in depth. That way, as circumstances develop, you can make whatever changes or refinements are necessary.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Initially, differences over existing arrangements or future plans seemed minor. But they’ve developed into rather serious issues. However confident you are that you’ve right on your side, it’s worth asking a few questions. What you learn won’t just be a surprise, you’ll realise it’s vital that you rethink your views.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Usually it’s you who’s supporting those who’re struggling or giving others reassurance. Yet now, when you could use a little encouragement, it’s not forthcoming. Others assume that everything is in hand, so aren’t offering. Out of character as it is, ask for their suggestions, ideas or, if you need help, say so.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Since late December’s New Moon, which introduced a fresh perspective to certain arrangements that seemed impossibly stuck, you’d been trying to win others over to the resulting changes. But you’ve been getting nowhere fast. Stop struggling. Soon events will make it clear even those who’re most reluctant have no choice.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

You’re in a position where you’re convinced if you don’t have the last word or, indeed, do things your way, things will go very wrong. This is a power struggle, and has nothing to do with the actual situation or, bizarrely, the best outcome. Admitting this won’t be easy but will change everything.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Last minute changes in even complex plans don’t bother you, which means you can sometimes forget that these not only annoy others, certain individuals find them upsetting. If you get that reaction now, take time to talk things over. It may be that information is all that’s needed, nothing more.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

As a Capricorn, you long ago learnt compromise works but there’s a price to pay later. This is exactly what you’re facing now, and in several situations, large and small. Knowing that, state your needs or requirements clearly, then see what others have to say. Their response could surprise you.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

It’s not that one particular individual is being dishonest. It’s that they’re using valuable facts as a form of bribery. Do what they want, and they’ll tell you more. This isn’t just upsetting, it’s just plain wrong. Say exactly that. Go along with this nonsense and they’ll do it again.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Be wary of making promises based on enthusiasm or circumstances you hope will work out. While they might, in periods as unsettled as this, even seemingly solid situations can change dramatically, if not come undone. Say what you hope you can do, but stop short of making any kind of commitment.