

You’ve been so busy that you’re out of touch with certain individuals who were once central to your life. There are several ways of catching up with them. You could just have a long talk. Instead, take it slowly, and do different and, possibly, unaccustomed, activities together. You’ll not only rediscover each other but, will begin to explore new and, perhaps, unfamiliar elements of your nature. This may seem time-consuming but it will pay off handsomely, now and in the future.

Aries March 20 – April 19

Sometimes minor disputes are exactly that, differences that are best ignored. However, those you’re currently facing aren’t just complex, they also go back a long way. While this means resolving them will, inevitably, be time consuming, you’ll learn a lot. And those insights will more than justify the patience required.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Being ruled by the charming Venus, you long ago learnt that often the best way to avoid an unpleasant clash with others is to sidestep the issue in question. While that may work for a day or two, this particular matter won’t go away. Knowing that, you’re urged to address it frankly, and soon.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

The link between your ruler Mercury and intuitive Neptune can lead to powerful insights or an exchange of ideas that takes you into new, exciting if exotic territory. Appealing as these discussions are, however, be cautious. They could distract you from what are more pressing matters in the here and now.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Not only has there been a major shift in the planetary focus, there’s an emphasis on broadening your horizons. This may not seem important now, especially with so many practical or financial matters on your mind. But what you learn and who you talk to could make a huge difference in your decisions.

Leo July 22 – August 22

Life would be a lot easier if you could just explore your options and make a decision right away. But as you’ve undoubtedly already noticed, with the actual circumstances shifting, whatever you plan or organise must be regarded as tentative. This is fortunate, because there are lots more options yet to appear.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

During this period, with its combination of powerful planetary activity and two eclipses having shaken things up for everybody, even simple decisions have been a struggle. While there’ll be no more eclipses for a while, changes continue which means regarding any decisions as tentative, if not a bit of an experiment.

Libra September 23 – October 22

While you’re often amazingly intuitive about people, one particular individual seems to think you can read their mind. In this case, they’re complaining because you didn’t anticipate certain problems would upset them, so gave no warnings. There’s only one possible reply to such nonsense, and it’s to say absolutely nothing.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

As much as you’d like to discuss others’ concerns, and help them find answers, you’re at a loss how to handle certain recent developments. Ordinarily you’d already have analysed these events and know what to do. However, these are far more complex than they seem, which means the less you do, the better.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Obviously you’d rather turn the ideas you’ve been discussing into action. But every time you try, something or somebody’s question complicates matters. Annoying as this is, there’s no arguing that these are things you need to know about, if not understand in depth. And, now, before you even think of taking things further.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Few things are more irritating then being forced to rethink plans you’ve only just invested time and thought in organising. But you’re still experiencing the fallout from the recent pair of eclipses, which shook things up for everybody, including you. Get others involved, and you can work together to sort things out.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Recent changes and those currently facing you will, inevitably, lead to disruption. Unappealing as that sounds, this is forcing you to explore and possibly even get acquainted with people and new ideas that, otherwise, you’d never have encountered. While some will merely be intriguing, others could prove to be amazingly informative.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Planning ahead would make life easier, but as is becoming increasingly clear, you’re short of facts. What’s more, recent changes demand you rethink certain arrangements, some of which are longstanding. Disruptive as this will be, what you learn and the changes you make will eliminate a number of obstacles, some overnight.