

As a Leo and a fire sign, you quite rightly pride yourself on your commitment to what and who matters most in life, and to your willingness to stand up for these. Consequently, you’ll be cautious about the sudden and, often, tempting ideas or offers coming your way, especially as they’re still taking form. Despite that, and the patience required, these are the beginning of a rewarding new cycle. Say yes. You won’t regret it.

Aries March 20 – April 18

The coming eclipsed New Moon isn’t just about certain matters coming to a head. It’s about adopting an entirely new viewpoint about the actual circumstance. True, this may be forced by events and seem unwelcome, if not disastrous, at least as it happens. Still, these changes are timely if not long overdue.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

If ever there was a time to take things in stages, it’s now. Not only are August’s two eclipses triggering changes in even longstanding arrangements, the circumstances of others are forcing them to rethink their role, too. Disruptive as this is in the short term, many of these changes were long overdue.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

Even during seriously unsettled periods, certain individuals decide firmly to make and stick to a single plan. While in the past their persistence has worked, even at their most determined they couldn’t sidestep the current disarray. Get involved, and they could blame you. Irrational as this sounds, for now, steer clear of them.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

When you first decided to keep certain potentially upsetting facts to yourself, it was because you felt others had no need to know more than they did at the time. But circumstances have changed, enough those facts are now crucial. Reveal them all, along with an explanation why, previously, you kept them under wraps.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Little can be achieved by forcing issues. Accept that, and instead of struggling to bring worrying changes back in line, you’ll accept these matters are out of your hands. The irony is, once you’re viewing recent, seemingly unsettling, developments from a more distant perspective, you’ll recognise them as they opportunities that they are.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Every once in a while, you get into a dispute about the rights and wrongs of certain arrangements only to discover that the real issue was your standards differed substantially from others’. That could be the case now. When differences arise, ask those around you how they think things should be done.

Libra September 22 – October 22

With your ruler Venus in the midheaven angle of your chart, which accents the structure of your life, you’re facing several crucial decisions. While some are straightforward, in many, you’re short of facts. Ironically, others are struggling as well, and will be relieved to know you’d like to put off finalising anything.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Few things are more aggravating than, having carefully organised a plan, things being thrown into chaos. Disastrous as the coming days’ changes may seem initially, they’re introducing you to new ideas or even an entirely different approach to certain longstanding arrangements. At least explore what’s arisen. You won’t regret it.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

There’s talking about potential decisions. You’ve been doing a lot of that. And then there’s actually committing to future plans, which you will soon need to do. Restrictive as this seems, this is more about defining what and, perhaps, who you’ll concentrate on, not fixed arrangements you’ve no hope of changing.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Some changes can be anticipated, analysed and planned for. Those that are being triggered by August’s two eclipses, including the current powerful solar eclipse, are about introducing events so new that it’s unlikely you’ll recognise their potential. Now and over the coming days, explore everything and say no to nothing.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

Having experienced certain situations or spent time with certain individuals before, you feel you’ve the right to say no to trying these out again. But the fact is, you’ve changed and so has the matter or individual in question, enough that soon those past experiences will vanish, as if they’d never occurred.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

One of the benefits of being a Pisces is your ability to sense the essence of an idea or event, even before it’s been fully defined in worldly terms. Bizarrely, you’ll have the same sound instincts about the current eclipse and, better yet, will recognise how much you’ll profit from the changes it triggers.