

The powerful alliances formed by Venus, the planet of love and close relationships, but also of money and self-worth, on your birthday promise exciting and, often, illuminating events, encounters and insights. While you’ll be delighted with what you experience or who you meet, other situations that involve confronting facts you’ve been avoiding, won’t be as welcome. Yet, bizarrely, what you learn, discuss and deal with will benefit you far more than those experiences that merely brought you pleasure.

Aries March 20 — April 19

While the fresh perspective on life triggered by the recent New Moon influenced every sign, because it was in Aries, you’ll be busily reviewing all sorts of new ideas and, as much, considering changes in existing arrangements. Urgent as decisions seem, take time thinking things through in detail. You’ll be glad you did.

Taurus April 20 — May 20

Complex and, often, challenging as events since mid March have been, the tide is about to turn. In fact, some of what arises may be so good that you’re wary about trusting it. While that’s understandable, the spectacular link between your ruler Venus and Jupiter is bound to trigger some amazing developments.

Gemini May 21 — June 20

Although your ruler Mercury’s retrograde cycle ended last Sunday, you’re probably still wrestling with certain mistakes and misunderstandings. Most will need to be discussed and resolved. But a large number of such issues aren’t as significant, enough that for now, you can safely ignore them. Should they arise later, address them then.

Cancer June 21 — July 21

For ages you’ve been thinking about reorganising elements of your domestic or working life, but haven’t known where to start. However, because the recent New Moon triggered a timely fresh perspective, you’ve realised you could approach the entire process from an angle that will make things far less complicated and go more smoothly.

Leo July 22 — August 22

There’s a distinct difference between making a decision and turning what you’ve come up with into a realistic plan. However enthusiastic you are about what’s occurred thus far and the promise these events hold, before anything can be considered final, you’ve a serious amount of thought and detail to deal with.

Virgo August 23 — September 22

While you were dealing with recent clashes, and there were probably several, they undoubtedly felt serious. But now that you’re reflecting on what they actually involved, you’re beginning to realise they were far more about the general ups and downs of everybody’s mood, and far less about the issue in question.

Libra September 23 — October 22

It’s easy to blame the retrograde Mercury for everything that goes wrong. While it’s now moving forward, you seem to be playing a game of catch up, especially involving recent errors and misunderstandings. While dealing with these isn’t easy, what you learn will more than justify both the patience and the effort required.

Scorpio October 23 — November 21

Your capacity for being discreet, in even the most complex of situations, is extraordinary. Bizarrely, however, few are aware of this gift, mostly because you’ll have kept any worrying issues or information under wraps. This also means that now you must discuss these, revealing how and when you kept those facts to yourself.

Sagittarius November 22 — December 20

For ages you’ve been complaining about situations that could be so much better, exciting or more fun if certain individuals took a more creative approach. But, frustratingly, they can’t be bothered, and you need their cooperation. Or so it seems. Proceed. And say nothing. You’ll soon realise that nobody has any objection.

Capricorn December 21 — January 19

The idea of conducting a top to bottom reorganisation of certain parts of your life may seem overwhelming. While this is important, and can’t be escaped, you needn’t do it all at once. In fact, you’re better off taking things in stages. For now, focus on what’s most pressing. The rest can wait.

Aquarius January 20 — February 17

Each year the Sun meets your ruler Uranus, an encounter that constitutes a sort of birthday, one during which you reflect on where you are, what you’ve done and what’s next. This particular one is especially important because in mid-May Uranus itself moves into a new position, triggering an exciting new chapter of your life.

Pisces February 18 — March 19

Usually, planning ahead is both wise and a virtue. At the moment, however, with so much in transition, even the simplest of plans need to change if not be entirely rethought, and often. Should certain individuals insist you think well ahead, discuss various options but waste no time on precise details.