Mario Dedivanovic held a free Q&A session on January 14 at Dubai Mall. Image Credit: Supplied photo

Celebrity make-up artist Mario Dedivanovic held his Dh5,870 Masterclass on January 13, where he taught a lucky few the techniques, tips and tricks that have made him famous. For those who could not drop that much cash on a class, Dedivanovic held a free public Q&A session on January 14 in The Dubai Mall. There, he let the audience in on how to improve our make-up game.

1. Take it easy on the contour

“I think contour should be done in a very natural and beautiful way that isn’t too obvious,” he says. When the ‘contour king’ says to be careful with it, then you have to listen. He says to switch between a powder contour product and a cream one, depending on what looks best on your face.

2. Don’t contour the whole face

For a more natural look, he says to pick just one or two parts to contour such as the nose and a cheekbones, or the jawline and the forehead. Dedivanovic says that the cheek contour colour and the one used on the nose should be different. The contour product for the nose should be a more taupe, cool-toned shade.

3. Use eyeshadows with wet brush

For a more intense effect, pick up colour from the eyeshadow pan with a slightly wet brush for maximum impact.

4. Blend more

“If you you’re blending enough, just blend a little bit more,” he says about achieving a natural-looking foundation application. That’s a pretty straightforward tip.

5. Apply make-up in natural light

When working on a client during the daytime, Dedivanovic says he tries to work near a window so he can see the face in natural light. “It makes such a big difference... I can always tell the difference when I do the make-up in natural daylight and when I’ve done it in fake light,” he says.