Every person should love their body no matter what size, shape, weight or colour it is. Every body is a miracle. Every body is a vehicle of our beautiful soul. It’s a place where divinity rests.

Whatever happens in our life shows up in or on our body. Each body is a recorded history of his or her entire life. If there is something wrong with our body, be assured that there is something wrong with our life. Illness comes to urge us to introspect. It tells us to look into our physical, mental, psychological, emotional and spiritual bodies and also to make amends where needed. If we make it a habit to introspect regularly, it will go a long way in preventing illness.

Our body will serve us well only if we pay attention and listen to it. Be aware of your body, your presence.

Have a desk job? Suffer from neck and shoulder pain? Watch this!

The more consciousness rises in you, the easier it gets to understand the body- mind- spirit complex, which is nothing but a human computer. Just like any other computer or smart phone, it is user friendly and very functional. We all know that when a computer or smart phone slows down or begins to hang, it means that perhaps too many applications are open. A simple solution to this problem is accessing and closing those extra apps and then restarting the machine by first shutting it down.

Similarly, if life slows down or begins to hang (energies slows down or too much conflict happen), it means that too many apps are open (person, situation, circumstances that gives us pain or wrongly occupies our mind is one such application). A simple solution to this is accessing each app, evaluating it, and then closing or deleting it if not requires. Then restart your machine (mind) by first shutting it down.

This shutting down of mind happens in MEDITATION. So, choose the ones that need to remain open, shut the ones that are not needed and delete the ones that are of no use.

Many people believe that being spiritual means being positive. I too used to advocate positivity, but my spiritual path took me beyond it. It made me comfortable with negativity. This made me more at peace with myself and the world around me.

Being spiritual means being conscious and aware. To become conscious and aware, we must become authentic. And authenticity includes both positive and negative. For me, being authentic is more important than being positive.

These days we all complain that people live pretentious lives, nobody speaks the truth with each other and all our institutions are being shaken up. There is skepticism everywhere, nobody trusts the other person. Everyone is wondering what has happened to us?

The answer is clear and yet not many see it.

Our problem is we are not driven by PRINCIPLES in any area. So we are all running helter skelter, be it marriage, family, community, nation or world. Our solution lies in making corrections as soon as possible by creating and following certain principles. The problem is we get everything in abundance. We are spoilt for choice. Access to Internet gives us a wide choice, so we have started believing that the virtual world is really the real world. So in real life also, people want multiple choices. So relationships are falling apart.

So to change your life, to change your mind, your thinking, your food habits, your style of living - start NOW. Don’t wait for the perfect time. There is no such thing like a “perfect time”. NOW is the perfect time to start a new life.

Let me tell you the story of a wise man and a fool.

Both these men had a bowl and they had the task of collecting rain water in the bowl. The wise man put his bowl out and collected a few drops every time it drizzled or rained a bit. The fool waited for the ‘perfect time’, when it would pour so that he could fill his bowl to the brim in no time.

The wise man’s bowl was full in no time, while the fool continues to wait for the perfect time with an empty bowl.

So even if you manage to change a little by little, start doing it now and you will see, in no time you will have a healthy body and peaceful mind. There is nothing like “on” and “off” in living a healthy life. It’s a lifelong commitment.


I believe in four pillars of self-care:

1) Cultivate an intuitive relationship with your body. Listen and understand your body. So, if your body demands rest, give it rest.

2) Eating well - eat at the right time and never starve your body.

3) Awaken your body through movements. Do any exercise that you love to do and that also includes pranayama.

4) Meditation.


Now lastly, but most importantly – you, my readers, believe me when I say that each and every reader of my blog is very important to me.

I had a great time writing my blog. Thank you everyone who stayed with me through my journey over the past four months. As summer is here and travel is in the air, I am taking a hiatus from the blog. But, don’t go too far, for I will be back….


Editor’s Note: The blogger is a homeopath, lifelong vegetarian and high level yoga practitioner. If you have any questions for her, please email them to readers@gulfnews.com or post on the Gulf News Facebook page.