Girl with flu Image Credit: Pixabay

Winter in Dubai is amazing. However, the cooler seasons could also mean that hay fever or seasonal allergies are on the way too.

Symptoms may include:

Congestion, post-nasal drip, excess mucus production, sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes, scratchy throat, tickle/irritation in the ears, decreased concentration and focus, decreased decision-making, exhaustion and sleep disorders, mood swings, irritability, low blood pressure, asthma, hives, eczema and middle-ear infections.

For those who are prone to seasonal allergies, an asthma attack could also be triggered. Therefore, if you think that the changing season can cause your allergic rhinitis better take these steps to avoid to avoid it.

Saline rinse

Spritz a saline rinse into your nose daily. This practice washes away pollen or dust that you may have inhaled outdoors. It may not be the best replacement for medication, but it would definitely reduce your need for some. Do this, and you would notice less nasal congestion and allergy attack.

To use: Dissolve one teaspoon of Himalayan or sea salt in a litre of boiled distilled water. Let it cool and put it in a neti pot, a small spritzer or syringe. Pour or squirt through one nostril and let it drain out the other. Do this twice daily for a month.

Apple cider vinegar

It is an age-old trick that works. It is good for heartburn and it’s also awesome for allergy relief too, but you have to use the right kind. Find the purest form of apple cider vinegar available.

To use: Mix a teaspoon of organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and drink the mixture thrice daily.

Natural and organic honey

This is a sweet remedy with no side-effects. It is also believed that local honey is the best. It minimises seasonal allergies as your body adapts to the allergens in the areas where you live. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

To use: Instead of sugar, use honey to sweeten your drinks or dessert. You can also use honey along with your favourite fruit jam for your sandwiches. Take a teaspoon or more of unprocessed honey with garlic to relieve any allergic symptoms.


Although it is a common spice for Indian recipes, it is actually a decongestant because of its curcumin content. It also helps reduce any symptoms caused by allergies and keeps colds at bay.

To use: Add a pinch of turmeric powder to a cup of hot milk. You can also heat a teaspoon of powder over hot water and inhale the vapor to relieve you from coughs and minor throat irritations.

Bone broth

Nothing beats Mom’s chicken soup when you are sick. You can also make yourself some chicken, beef or lamb bone broth to help ease your nasal congestion and minor respiratory problems. Hot soup also boosts the immune system.

To use: Place your chosen vegetables, garlic, onions, chives, bay leaves and the bones into a stockpot. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and sip in the good stuff.


Pineapples have high levels of vitamins B, C and other much-needed nutrients that reduce your body’s frail response to allergens.

To use: Not many people do, but you need to eat the core of fresh and ripe pineapples. It contains Bromelain and the highest concentration of nutrients that fight allergies.

Pro-biotic rich foods

Examples include kimchi, raw cheese, yogurt, miso, kefir, sauerkraut, natto, and kombucha. These foods support the immune health, promote healthy digestion and help repair a damaged intestinal lining. Use soft cheeses such as cheddar, parmesan, Swiss and Gouda. Drink kefir and other probiotic milk. Don’t forget naturally fermented pickles and yogurt.

To use: Include the above examples in your snacks or in between meals.

Eucalyptus and frankincense oil

Essential oils ward off parasites, harmful bacteria, toxins, and other microorganisms that may trigger an attack. With proper use, it helps reduce inflammation once you experience allergic symptoms.

To use: If you have heightened allergy symptoms, mix eucalyptus oil with coconut oil and rub it on your chest, belly, feet and even behind your ears to help you relax. If you have frankincense oil, diffuse the oil in your home and office for about three hours every day.

Change your clothes when you get home

You may have shut your windows to keep dust and pollen from entering your home but after spending sometime outside, pollen and dust can easily stick to your clothes especially during windy days.

To do: When you get home, jump in the shower and get some fresh clothes on. Extra tip: Avoid bringing your outdoor shoes inside the house, too.

Take your meds at night

Sneezing and other allergy symptoms attack early in the morning and take the best out of you.

To do: Take your anti-allergy medicines at night to help control symptoms that may cause seasonal flu when you wake up.