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Stress can lead to headaches, lack of focus, anxiety and high blood pressure. Here are five ways to tackle day-to-day stress.

Also read about 10 weird websites we found on the internet - laughing is the best medicine for stress! 

1. One-Minute Miracle

We all know how good yoga is for stress and general well-being, but in a stressful situation at work or in between meetings, a yoga mat and half-an-hour of peace and quiet is impossible. Combining the yoga and your lack of time, the one-minute miracle by Daniel Millstein is your best bet. All you need is your hands and a single undisturbed minute. Using your hands you create 12 ‘mudras’ or gestures which are stress relieving and say the affirmation that comes with each of these. One life-changing minute we say!

2. Orange Juice

Drinking one glass of orange juice can relieve your stress and this has scientific backing. Up to two glasses a day reduces your major stress symptoms such as high cortisol and blood pressure. The hero is Vitamin C which acts rapidly to reduce stress. Through juices, fruits, vitamins – safe levels of Vitamin C (maximum of 2000 mg) can destress you effectively.

3. Switch the game

Michael Kerr, international business and motivational speaker, talks about how switching your focus can help you destress. If the source of stress is in your left hemisphere (work, time-pressure) take a minute to draw, doodle, sing, listen to music or anything creative which switches the focus to your right hemisphere relieving some stress. If the cause of your stress is emotional and centred in your right hemisphere, doing something that requires your cognitive skills can help, such as playing the Sudoku or organising your desk.

4. The Hoku trick

What is the Hoku? Just a point on the part of your palm connecting your thumb and index finger. This is an acupressure point related to upper body tension or stress and pressing  firmly here for 30 seconds can reduce stress and headaches.

It is also said to alleviate joint and muscle ache. However, pregnant ladies should not do this as this technique is said to be used to induce labour.

5. Adult colouring books

These colouring books have now become a trend as it helps tap the creative side of your brain and move focus away from your cause of tension or stress. It also helps to refresh your mind after a long stressful day. Mandalas, dot-to-dot drawings, animals, birds and faces are some of the subjects you can find in this category.