
Shoulder is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body. It is formed where the humerus (upper arm bone) fits into the scapula (shoulder blade) like a ball and socket. It also includes acromion, collarbone and coracoid process. Shoulder has several important structures namely rotator cuff, bursa and labrum.

Millions of people these days suffer from chronic shoulder pain due to their sedentary lifestyle and stressful environment at workplaces. Yoga can help prevent shoulder problems as well as help in rehabilitation to an extent.


Shoulder pain isn’t a sudden onset; it is cumulative in nature. The most common causes include:

Sedentary work environment: Sitting in one place without productive movement for long hours.

Poor posture: Maintaining an awkward posture with a hunch back and neck pushing forward while working on desktop or using laptops, phones or other gadgets.

Static loading: It happens when muscles remain contracted to hold the body in one position for a long time. For example, your shoulders tend to remain contracted or tensed while using a laptop for long hours.

Mechanical contact stress: Contact of the body with a hard surface or edge that results in the compression of tissue. For example, when your wrist or elbow is rested against the edge of the desktop while you’re working.

Poor circulation: Due to lack of movement and stretching, the muscles remain contracted in the upper body and blood circulation remains minimal.

Weak muscles: Due to the causes listed above, muscles weaken over a period of time and lead to chronic problems of the shoulder and neck.

Mental fatigue and emotional stress are also known to cause lasting shoulder pain and discomfort.


Focus on flexibility, posture and strength

Yoga can help your shoulders remain flexible with postures such as dwikonasana (double angle pose), parvatsana (mountain pose), gomukhasana (cow face pose) and sharanagath mudra (surrender pose). These postures also help improve blood circulation in the upper body.

Yoga postures also work on the spine like no other form of exercise with systematic contractions, stretching and twisting the spine. Static loading can be avoided by stretching the contracted and tired muscles. Thus conditioning your body to maintain an erect spine while your muscles remain relaxed which is essential for a good posture.

Yoga postures such as sampatasana (plank pose), halasana (plough pose) and parvatasana (mountain pose) also strengthen your shoulders and neck muscles in order to avoid discomfort and problems. Practising desktop yoga (refer tabloid! May 16 issue) is also a good way to stretch your muscles and move your joints while at work.


Yoga is the best way to unwind and de-stress after a long day at work with constant strain on your muscles, joints and nervous system. This also leads to mental fatigue along with the pressure to meet deadlines and deliver results. Breathing techniques and yoga nidra (for relaxation) can help release tension and energise the body and mind.


Yoga increases self-awareness and helps break free of damaging habits. Self-awareness is important as it helps you listen to your body more closely and do what is essential for it — maintaining a good posture, stretching or moving every few hours, blinking as often while staring at a screen, keeping your neck in its place etc.

Thus, yoga can prevent shoulder problems which may lead to several other issues over a period of time. If you already have stiff or sore shoulders, the best way to loosen it is to practice yoga postures (a few are listed below) to restore flexibility, strength and ease.

NEXT WEEK: An understanding of yoga nidra

This is an interactive series, in which we will bring you practical tips

on daily living, inspired by the vision of yoga. Write in to tabloid@gulfnews.com with your questions and doubts regarding enhancing your lifestyle through yoga. For more information, call 800-YOGA (9642) or log on to artisticyoga.com