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There are many factors to consider when determining what foods are good for you and what you should stay away from, such as nutrient density, your blood type and your body’s reaction to certain foods.

When it comes to chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, studies have seen that more people need to pay attention to glycaemic index (GI), which is how much your blood sugar is raised when you eat a specific food. Sugar (or glucose) is the food that raises blood sugar the most. GI isn’t an issue if there is a normal increase in blood sugar as there’s a hormone called insulin in your body to regulate that. However, the more your blood sugar goes up, the more insulin you need. With too much insulin, blood sugar drops way too low and then you’re suddenly hungry as your body is now asking for more energy. 

This occurs when you eat too many carbs, which is actually a type of sugar. Simply switch some of those carb calories for healthy fat calories and add some fibre. For example: change up your sweet trail mix, have that banana with some almond butter or opt for wholegrains instead of sugary breakfast cereals or choose brown bread for sandwiches instead of white. To maintain a healthy diet, all you need is balance. It’s okay to have foods with a high GI, but try not to do so every day.

A friend told me that drinking coconut water is effective if I’m looking to lose weight as well as being good for me. Is this true or is simply another fad?

Coconut water, also known as coconut juice, is the fluid that is naturally found inside young, still green coconuts. You can find the juice in many grocery stores and health food stores, and it is widely consumed for its health properties. Drinking pure coconut water can help you stay hydrated and aid in shedding some unwanted pounds. 

Drinking pure coconut water has been shown to increase your metabolic rate. It is a great drink to keep you hydrated, and if you are hydrated, you are less likely to store fat in your body. It also helps raise your body temperature. Coconut water is a diuretic, which means it could help cleanse the body of all harmful stuff. It has absolutely no cholesterol, so drinking more coconut water in place of beverages that have cholesterol is an automatic inducer of weight loss. Fat-wise, coconut water contains less fat that even milk, and fewer calories than orange juice.

While coconut juice is low in calories, it is also high in sugar and saturated fat, which may offset its potential weight-loss benefits if not consumed in moderation.