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Despite initiatives such as the yearly prostate awareness campaign, we still find that prostate diseases are neglected and this causes serious problems among men. There is a lack of awareness about these diseases in this region. This, despite the fact that prostate cancer is the second-most common cause of cancer-related deaths in men worldwide, after lung cancer.

It is important to educate people about prostate diseases and encourage early screening. Prostate cancer is a silent disease — it goes unnoticed for several years because there are no apparent signs and symptoms. Therefore, the solution is that men above 50 years should undergo regular screening tests and men who have a family history of cancer should begin the screening from 40 years of age.

Emphasis on early screening is vital because if detected in time, prostate cancer can be completely cured. However, if detected later on, it can only be treated and not cured.

Patients who detect the cancer at a later stage have to endure lifelong treatment. I urge men, especially those with a family history of cancer, to undertake screening regularly. When it comes to health and well-being, prevention is better than cure.